Job Certification

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Job Certification
We believe in the importance of workforce training, development and job certification. Having a qualified workforce will impact the organization in all aspects be it safety performance, productivity, profitability, and customer satisfaction and sustainability. We have our own Job certification consists of academic, technical, safety, leadership training along using job task standards monitored and evaluated by trained and certified mentors and evaluators and in top of that implementing certification/recertification tests ensure refreshing the workforce knowledge and skills.
• Job Task Standards:
The JTS is the functional job profile of a fully qualified jobholder in a specific work unit. It contains all the major tasks, and the task standards, required of the jobholder. This provides.

• The OJT (On-Job-Training) objectives and performance standards for assigned employees.
• A record to track employee's development towards meeting task standards.
• A certification record for when the employee's work meets these standards.
• The JTS includes a user guide, orientation checklist, job certification task list, completion certificate(s), task-evaluation sheet, a record of on-job mentors, and a record of on-job evaluators.

• Supply Qualified Mentors:
We are capable of recruiting qualified mentors to support the organization job certification and or training existing employees and certify them to be mentors.

• Job Certification Framework And Administration:
Our own Job certification frame consists of different components of training activities and tools such as academic, technical, safety, leadership training along with using job task standards monitored and evaluated by trained and certified mentors and evaluators and in top of that implementing certification/recertification tests ensure refreshing the workforce knowledge and skills. In addition to the recommendation of our job certification framework, we can also implement the whole framework and be responsible for the administration, monitoring, and reporting.

• Supply Qualified Evaluators/Assessors:
We are capable of recruiting qualified evaluators/assessors to support the organization's job certification and or training existing employees and certify them to be assessors/evaluators.
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